Sunday, April 18, 2010

Garden Trail, 2010

Paula's out of town at the beach with friends. I enjoyed the cold front that moved in yesterday around 3pm as I planted a few things in the garden - several varieties of peppers and tomatoes, some basil, parsley, oregano and cilantro. I was wondering if the plants might be a little insecure - transplanting from Southern States to our garden - so I figured I'd just sleep out with them, and listen to hear any suffering or requests for assurance.

It was a beautiful evening - starry and clear, gentle breezes that caught the wind chimes, Clarence trying to nudge me off the sleeping pad so he could have a softer surface.

We woke just before dawn to birdsong (and the neighbor's roosters). There are so many voices in the trees.

The wild roses on the fence line are blooming, probably about a month early this year.

I enjoyed this. Excellent sleeping conditions, cool, and early enough in the season to not have to worry about insects. The plants were very quiet.

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